
Alarm Behavior Analysis (ABA)

To achieve safe and efficient plant operations, it is essential to maintain alarm system performance. For maintenance, it is required to identify and improve irrelevant alarms. Alarm Behavior Analysis service provides a report to recommend some of the candidates that can be considered for alarm improvement, based on huge data from CENTUM alarm history.


To achieve safe and efficient plant operations, it is essential to maintain alarm system performance. For maintenance, it is required to identify and improve irrelevant alarms. Alarm Behavior Analysis service provides a report to recommend some of the candidates that can be considered for alarm improvement, based on huge data from CENTUM alarm history.

ABA_efficient operation

Customer Challenges

  • Regarding alarm improvement method, it is conventional to review each alarm one by one in order of the frequency. If you keep on alarm improvement activity with alarm management system and feel that the effect is not enough, another method is required.
  • Also, information about events related with unnecessary alarm, such as alarms occurred around the same time and the alarm handling operation can help you consider the corrective actions. However, you need to rely on operators’ knowledge to know the information.
ABA_customer challenge


  • Extracting candidates of alarms to be improved, such as consecutive alarms and alarms for which no action has been taken, by machine learning technique
  • Providing Top10 lists of improvement candidates
  • Visualizing cause-and-effect relationship of related alarms and operations


Customer Benefit

  • Alarm Behavior Analysis contributes to maintaining alarm system performance by providing candidates of alarms to be improved in a non-traditional way.
  • Visualized cause-and-effect relationships of improvement candidates can be used as evidence and reinforce your thinking when considering corrective action of unnecessary alarms.


Alarm analysis report includes 3 types of information to understand the current alarm state and to take actions toward alarm improvement.

  1. Overall Summary
  2. Event Lists of improvement candidates
  3. Detail of list events

Overall Summary

  • Alarm KPIs
    • Total alarm count
    • Average alarm rate
  • Event Balanced Trend Chart
    • Daily trend for number of alarm and operation
    • Numerical balance between alarms and operations
ABA Report overall summary

Event Lists of improvement candidates

  • Consecutive Alarms
    • Alarms synchronized with other alarms
  • Ignored Alarm
    • Alarms without operators’ action
  • Alarm Handling Operation
    • Operations followed by alarms
ABA_report_Event Lists of improvement candidates

Detail of list events

  • Cause-and-effect Chart
    • Visualized relationships among candidate alarm to be improved and related events.
  • Timeline Chart
    • Occurrences of events appeared in cause-and-effect chart
ABA_Report_detail of events

Alarm Analysis of Causes & Effects

To understand alarm behavior, Yokogawa provides a  cause-and-effect view. This view visualizes the relationship between alarms and operations and helps to understand the characteristics of alarms such as redundancy or existence of operator actions.

This technique, developed by YOKOGAWA, creates a cause-and-effect view with multiple events from CENTUM Historical data.

By searching for relationships that match the cause-and-effect pattern from relationships, a list of patterns to help consider alarm improvement actions is produced.

alarm analysis of causes & effects


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